The blazes make the trail

I’ve been shifting my online life away from socials and back to RSS. One thing I discovered a while back on Twitter was Cory Doctorow’s threaded versions of his essays on Pluralistic; in today’s, about a hacker jailbreaking a John Deere tractor, was a link to an old essay on “the Memex Method,” which is… Continue reading The blazes make the trail

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THE EIGHTH KING acquired by Curiosity Quills!

People of the Internet: It is with considerable delight and non-negligible bemusement that I announce the corporate takeover of my creative alter ego. The fine folks at Curiosity Quills Press have made the questionable decision to acquire my epic fantasy, THE EIGHTH KING. Publication date isn’t firm yet — you’ll hear more about that. You’ll… Continue reading THE EIGHTH KING acquired by Curiosity Quills!

forms of respect

Every so often, Jason Howell will send out an interview question to an elite group of writers and publish their responses. Sometimes, he makes a slip of the keyboard and includes my name on the distribution list, and I get a shot at unspooling some half-formed thoughtlet to the wider Internet. I generally do all… Continue reading forms of respect

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a love letter

CROSSED GENRES’ April theme: 32: Portals (Submissions: April 1-30. Publication: August 2015) “…look on every exit being an entrance somewhere else.” Alice’s rabbit hole, Chell’s blue and orange teleports, the T.A.R.D.I.S.’s doors… or a computer monitor, or the pages of a book. A portal can open across time, space, and imagination… and it can be… Continue reading a love letter

The prodigal

Good morning. It’s been a while. How are you? Me, I spent a week in London trying to learn to be a software engineer, and another two at home trying to figure out how to get work done while the kids were homebound due to excesses of snow or snot. Other than the trip to and from… Continue reading The prodigal

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