You told me, Sleep. I’ll wake you in the morning.

The cover of NONA THE NINTH. A dark-haired woman in braids with a hamburger on her t-shirt stands, smiling, in a field of skeletons in tortured poses. A white dog with six legs is in the background.

I know you’re supposed to put hiatus messages before the hiatus rather than after; this way makes you look unprofessional, not very put together at all. So, you know, fair play to me for transparency.

Anyway, NONA THE NINTH has destroyed my sleep schedule for the last week. I finished it Friday while literally falling into microsleeps between the paragraphs. I’ve been writing in the notebook, but I’m probably four days behind on transcription, and obviously I’ve just left this thing to scratch in the gutters for rat bones to suck the marrow out of.

At some point I should write a thing on why Tamsyn Muir’s writing works so well for me. It’ll probably be wrong, but any progress in understanding it is going to be helpful.

One thing I’ve sometimes thought, and even said, about the success of the Locked Tomb trilogy is that it’s interesting to watch how Tor has approached marketing much more like an indie than a traditional publisher. It’s of course tough to apportion credit to marketing when GIDEON THE NINTH was a unicorn and Tamsyn Muir is a genius, but consider:

This is in addition to the kind of stuff they do for a lot of their books, like author interviews and chapter-by-chapter rereads.

Tor is a well-resourced publisher with a massive mailing list, a huge blog, and a great reputation in science fiction. They are surely also using advertising and otherwise throwing money at promoting the Locked Tomb series; Tommy Arnold’s covers are also pulling at least their weight. But the content marketing that they are doing is (a) nearly free minus the costs of producting fiction, (b) deeply intertwined with the appeal of the books themselves, which are twisty mysteries as well as body-horror gorefests and hilarious meme vectors, (c) from the vantage of this reader, crushingly effective and massively appreciated.

For my own mental landmark, I should probably also write down that my first nephew was born two days ago! He is a very serious nugget with a very distinctive nose, or at least that’s how he looked right after he was born. My son was a little bummed because he was hoping they’d share a birthday, but he’s still happy to have another boy in his cohort of cousins. (We’re trying not to emphasize the fact that he will be 16 by the time the baby is his age. Oh well.)

Currently reading: Spook Street, Mick Herron

If you’re enjoying my writing, you can get some of my short fiction on your e-reader for the low, low cost of $0. Remembered Air is a collection of six poems and short stories not available anywhere else. Download it here.

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